
Command line arguments

control.exe takes several command line arguments to customize the software launch sequence:

  • --camera <camera name>, -c <camera name>: select a specific camera to control; <camera name> is the name of the camera used within the settings file, such as ppimaq_0. Normally, if several cameras are available, the software first shows the dropdown menu to choose the camera to control. However, if this argument is specified, this camera will be selected automatically. Can be used to, e.g., create separate shortcuts for controlling different cameras.

  • --config-file <file>, -cf <file>: specify a configuration file if it is different from the default settings.cfg. The path is always specified relative to location.

Settings file

Software settings are defined in settings.cfg file inside the main folder. These include the camera connection parameters, as well as some additional interface and camera settings. The settings are described in a plain text format with one parameter per row. The most important settings are either defined by default, do not need explicit definition, or filled in by the camera detection. However, you can also edit them manually. Below is the list of available parameters.

General parameters

Switch to compact three-panel layout with a smaller controls area.
Values: True, False
Default: False
Color theme (based of qdarkstyle).
Values: dark, light, standard (standard Windows style)
Default: dark
Enable or disable expandable text boxes for paths and event logs.
Values: True, False
Default: True
Maximal size of the image shown in the plotter window (any image larger than this size gets binned). Only affect plotting, and only useful to speed up image display.
Values: any positive integer
Default: not defined (no maximal size)
Binning mode for plotting display, if the frame needs to be binned. Works in conjunction with interface/plotter/binning/max_size.
Values: mean, min, max, skip
Default: mean
Show a pop-up message in the end of saving if the saved data contains missing frames.
Values: True, False
Default: True
Template to generate file names when Add date/time is selected but Create separate folder is not.
Values: pfx (add date as a prefix, e.g., 20210315_120530_video.bin), sfx (add date as a suffix, e.g., video_20210315_120530.bin), or folder (create folder with the datetime as name, e.g., 20210315_120530/video.bin)
Default: sfx
Template to generate folder names when both Add date/time and Create separate folder are selected.
Values: pfx (add date as a prefix, e.g., 20210315_120530_video/), sfx (add date as a suffix, e.g., video_20210315_120530/), or folder (create folder with the datetime as name, e.g., 20210315_120530/video/)
Default: sfx
ROI entry method in camera control.
Values: minmax (ROI is defined by minimal and maximal coordinates), minsize (ROI is defined by minimal coordinates and size), or centersize (ROI is defined by center coordinates and size)
Default: minsize for PhotonFocus cameras, minmax for all other cameras
Method to deal with a status line (on PhotonFocus or PCO edge cameras) for the raw image display. Only affects the displayed image.
Values: keep (keep as is), cut (cut off rows with the status line), zero (set status line pixels to zero), median (set status line pixels to the image median),or duplicate (replace status line with pixels from a nearby row)
Default: duplicate
Maximal size of the saving buffer in bytes. Makes sense to increase if large movies are saved to slow drive, or if large pre-trigger buffer is used (the size of the saving queue must be larger than the pre-trigger buffer). Makes sense to decrease if the PC has small amount of RAM.
Values: any positive integer
Default: 4294967296 (i.e., 4 GB)

Specific system parameters

dlls/<camera interface>
Paths to camera-specific DLL locations, if different from the device location. <camera interface> can stand for one of the following:
  • andor_sdk2: path to atmcd64d.dll for Andor SDK2. By default, search in the default location of Andor Solis.

  • andor_sdk3: path to atcore.dll and related DLLs for Andor SDK3. By default, search in the default location of Andor Solis.

  • dcamapi: path to dcamapi.dll and related DLLs for Hamamatsu/DCAM cameras. By default, search in System32 folder, where it is placed after installing DCAM API or Hokawo software.

  • niimaq: path to imaq.dll for NI IMAQ frame grabber interface. By default, search in System32 folder, where it is placed after installing NI Vision Acquisition Software.

  • niimaqdx: path to niimaqdx.dll for NI IMAQdx frame grabber interface. By default, search in System32 folder, where it is placed after installing NI Vision Acquisition Software.

  • pco_sc2: path to SC2_Cam.dll for PCO cameras. By default, search in the default location of pco.camware or pco.sdk.

  • picam; path to picam.dll for Princeton Instruments cameras. By default, search in the default location of Princeton Instruments PICam Runtime.

  • pfcam: path to pfcam.dll for PhotonFocus cameras. By default, search in PFRemote folder specified in the PATH environment variable.

  • pvcam; path to pvcam64.dll for Photometrics cameras. By default, search in System32 folder, where it is placed after installing PVCAM software.

  • sisofgrab: path to fglib5.dll for Silicon Software frame grabber interface. By default, search in Silicon Software Runtime Environment folder specified in the PATH environment variable.

  • thorlabs_tlcam: path to thorlabs_tsi_camera_sdk.dll and related DLLs for Thorlabs Scientific Cameras. By default, search in the default location of ThorCam.

  • uc480: path to uc480_64.dll and related DLLs for uc480 camera interface. By default, search in the default location of ThorCam.

  • ueye: path to ueye_api_64.dll and related DLLs for uEye camera interface. By default, search in the default location of IDS Software Suite.